
安恒情报中心 2020-07-24 01:58:43 597人浏览



( Prometei 的两个主要分支)


 run — Execute a program/file using ShellExecute API

exec — Execute a program using CreateProcess API

srun — Check if the path exists, calculate its SHA1 and execute using CreateProcess

cmdt — Launch a command shell, redirect stdin and stdout to pipes over HTTP

cmd — Launch a command shell, redirect stdin and stdout to pipes over HTTP

scmd — Execute a single command

ver — Get the bot's version

extip — Get the bot's external IP address

enc — Get/set the RC4 encryption key

updatev3 — Download updated bot to svchost2.exe and start the process then remove the file. If that is not successful terminate the process first.

set_timeout — Set period for connecting to C2 server

set_cc — Set new C2 server

touch — Open file and write a single byte to change checksums and access times

wget — Download file

xwget — Download file, save it, then open it and XOR it using single byte XOR with initial key 0x42 and addition of 0x42 for each byte

stop_mining — Terminate the mining process by calling cmd.exe /C taskkill -f -im SearchIndexer.exe. If that did not work, try launching a thread that will call taskkill.

start_mining1 — Read C:\windows\dell\Desktop.dat to get parameters and launch SearchIndexer.exe

start_mining — Request desktop.txt from the C2, save it to Desktop.dat and launch the miner with parameters read from Desktop.dat

quit — Terminate the bot using TerminateProcess

quit2 — Exit the command handler loop without calling TerminateProcess

getinfo — Get information about the infected system using WMI WQL queries and other methods

该僵尸网络的算力速度在700KH / sec和950KH / sec之间,这意味着受感染的系统数量很少。在其为期四个月的运行中,其收入平均不到5,000美元,或每月平均1,250美元。


Prometei 僵尸网络Botnet 账号窃密 挖矿 其他